

What are the risk factors


Very simply, unsightly veins can be more than skin deep. Vein problems can affect people differently.  For some, varicose veins are a cosmetic issue.  For others, varicose veins may represent a serious medical condition.  Underlying risk factors will predispose patients to develop varicose veins.  These may include:

People with a family history of varicose and spider veins are significantly more prone to these conditions. About half of all people who have varicose veins have a relative who has them as well.
Varicose veins are common in patients between the ages of 18 and 45. As you get older, the valves in your veins might weaken, causing enlargement of the veins leading to varicose vein development.
Everyone understands that obesity is often associated with long-term health issues. Obesity places external pressure on your veins thereby forcing them to work harder to try and return venous flow. This extrinsic force causes valve malfunctioning and increasing your risk of developing varicose veins.
Women are at greater risk of developing vein disease due to hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Additionally, the use of birth control, containing estrogen and progesterone, also increases the development of varicose veins and blood clotting disorders.
People who sit or stand for prolonged periods of time due to their daily activities are more susceptible to varicose veins. Lack of movement causes stasis and forces your veins to work harder to pump blood back to the heart.
During this time, there is more blood in the body to support the growing baby. Additionally, enlargement of the uterus creates external compression on venous return which will weaken vein walls leading to valve dysfunction and development of varicosities. Most veins resolve after delivery, but those that remain may require treatment.
Any injury to the leg, due to a recent surgery or an accident, could cause your valves to malfunction as a result of the trauma. In the healing phase, residual edema and swelling may be the result of venous malfunction.