
Scrotal Veins and male Infertility

What are Scrotal Veins and Male Infertility?

It is difficult enough for men to go to the doctor, let alone discuss private issues.  Scrotal Veins is one of the most uncomfortable conditions no man wants to discuss with anyone, let alone their doctor.  Patients suffering from these engorged veins often have pain during intercourse, ejaculation and urination.  Scrotal veins can cause a dull or aching pain, especially when the person has been in an upright position for a long time or does persistent heavy lifting exercise.  These varicosities are often the result of an underlying pelvic venous disorder.  Termed a varicocele, this is a network of dilated blood vessels, or varicose veins, in the scrotum. For unexplained reasons, varicoceles usually occur in the left testes. It is a relatively common condition that tends to occur in young men, usually during the second or third decade of life. Affecting over 20% of the general male population, it can lead to infertility.  A commonly accepted theory is that the varicocele raises the testicular temperature and adversely affects the sperm count and quality. More than half of men with decreased fertility will have improvement in the sperm count and quality after treatment of the varicocele.  A varicocele occurs when the normal one-way valves of the veins draining the testicles are insufficient causing a backflow of blood to the scrotal sac.  As a result, the blood flows in reverse causes pressure to stretch and enlarge the network of small veins around the testes.  Self-exam of the scrotum is the best way to diagnose a varicocele early. A varicocele can feel like a “bag of worms” and is usually found in the left testicle. The majority of varicoceles are detected by a physician during a routine physical exam or in conjunction with spouses for infertility exams.  Venography is simple diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of this embarrassing yet treatable condition.